Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Tree Nuts

I am starting out my food blog on a serious note. I promise that I will try to make it funny after this.

The subject is Nut Allergies.

We found out that my daughter is allergic to Nuts before she was 2 years old. It was scary then and it is even more scary now. As a toddler, her ankles and eyes blew up, her Daddy has severe allergies and we knew to take her straight to the Emergency room. As a 13 year old she ingested Cashew nuts that were hidden in a jar of Pesto - my first and last time buying pesto. In fact we still all shudder when we say the word.

She ended up going into full blown Anaphylactic shock and we almost lost her. I'm still not sure if it was a miracle that we didn't.

Tree nuts are different than Peanuts. The peanut is a legume and is in a family of its own. Tree Nuts include macadamia nuts, brazil nuts, cashews, almonds, walnuts, pecans, pistachios, chestnuts, beechnuts, hazelnuts, pine nuts, gingko nuts and hickory nuts. Like peanut and shellfish allergies, tree nut allergies tend to be severe, and are strongly associated with anaphylaxis. Walnuts and cashews are the two tree nuts that cause the most allergic reactions. At least 90 percent of children diagnosed with tree nut allergies will have them for life

The only way to really be sure you do not have an allergic reaction is to "avoid" this is easier said than done. Following an allergic reaction is a lot of awareness, educating everyone around you and stocking up on double dose epi-pens.

Next time you buy cookies, candy or cereal - read the labels and you will see how difficult it is to avoid!

For awareness - http://www.foodallergy.org

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